Your company needs a website.

Yes, social media has made it easier to post updates and engage existing customers/followers.  But what about those potential customers that do not already know your business or existing customers that are not social media users?

A website:

  • is available 24 x 7 and requires no special access.
  • quickly provides the basic information about your location, phone numbers, and hours of operations.
  • is an online business card, that introduces your company to potential customers.
  • is a gateway to your social media sites.
  • needs to stay current, not only on its design and information, but on the backend side, with patches applied to the template, plugins and server security.

We want to be your one stop shop for a business internet presence.

You might not be aware of the continuous attacks that occur every day to all websites.  We are.  We want to be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to your business website.

We provide:

  • great design; no cookie cutter looks here!
  • customized sites, with the sections that fit your business.
  • hosting, leaving you to spend your time on other things, not your website.
  • backend management, including review of available updates and applying those needed, to keep your site functioning properly and securely.

So, let’s get to the bottom line. 


  • Website design - $2000. We partner with local graphic artists to create a design that reflects your business.  We make sure your site renders well in Chrome, Safari, IE, and Firefox.  We make sure it renders well on mobile devices such as iPads, iPhones, and Android devices.  You should budget for a new design at least every 3 years, to give your website a fresh look and ensure that it still reflects your business.
  • Hosting - $30/month. Let us take care of your website.  Included in this monthly fee, along with the patching and security, is 1 hour of design support.  Need some text, pictures, or information changed?  We do the first hour of that for you at no additional cost.
  • Email hosting and account management - $10/month. We will add and remove email addresses as needed, as well as reset passwords.   Allowing us to manage your email accounts, provides us with access needed to monitor illegal use of your email accounts.

Of course, we provide guidance on all things website.  We also want you to protect your interest.  Therefore, there are a few other costs you still (and always should) manage:

  • Domain name - ~$20/year. You should NEVER let another company manage your domain name (website name).  If they have control of your domain name, they have control of you.  Failure by them to register your domain properly can lead to the loss of your domain name and your company’s presence, or worse, representation on the Internet.
  • ICANN/WHOIS registration - $0/year. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), is a nonprofit organization responsible for maintaining records of who owns which website. Each year, each website must validate existing information or provide information which may include: name, address, email, phone number, and administrative and technical contacts.  This information is often referred to as "WHOIS data."

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